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Penguin Standard Time Clock

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Hello Penguins!

Last Thursday when we had to launch earlier than normal, we got a ton of comments that you liked getting the new stuff early! You may know new content usually launches later on Thursdays (Penguin Standard Time) and we've heard from some of you that when there are problems with it, you have to wait because the team's not always around to get things fixed right away.

We're working to make things better and wanted you to be the first to know that starting tomorrow we're going to launch content earlier in the day. Hopefully this will mean fewer bugs... and tomorrow it will mean that everyone gets more time to play at the Puffle Party!

Blog Feb. 17th.jpg
Thanks for your patience with the changes - and if you can, we'd appreciate if you could help spread the news to other penguins! In the meantime, what are you looking forward to at the Puffle Party?

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on February 17 2010 10:23 | Comments (0)

-Joanna7777(CPCG Creator)


