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Penguin Standard Time Clock

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Hello Penguins! 

As we told you on Tuesday, we've been working hard to make the game faster for you with new servers. The team's run into a bug and we're not going to be able to deliver the Club Penguin Times when it normally comes out. 

The team's working really hard to fix the problem. We know a lot of you read the newspaper as soon as it comes out and we want you to know that we really appreciate your patience. 


In the meantime, we've heard you're noticing the improvements to the game! I'll keep you updated on our progress with squashing this bug and we'll let you know as soon as it launches.

Until then...Waddle on! 
-Club Penguin Team
By Billybob on February 10 2010 05:45 | Comments (27)

-Joanna7777(CPCG Creator)


