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Orange Puffle Coming

Puffle Party!

Hello Penguins!
The Puffle Party is still going strong for a few more days, and I hope you and your puffles are having a blast! I got a kick out of the Puffle Show, with the Puffle Grooming station and all the races going on. What did you think of it?


Some of you may have noticed that the party was launched earlier than expected last week. This was part of our new earlier launch times that I mentioned last Tuesday.

This week, things will be happening a little earlier than usual again. The Puffle Party will be wrapping up on Thursday morning Penguin Standard Time, and the new Sports Catalog will be launching then too. It also means a special surprise will be arriving early at the Pet Shop...

Wednesday surprise.jpgSo make sure to enjoy the Puffle Party while it's here, and let us know what your favorite parts were!

Until then... Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on February 22 2010 09:32

-Joanna7777(CPCG Creator)


Flame0522 said...

Hello Joanna7777,


I am here to formerly invite you to my Puffle Party...

It will start at...

12:00 PM (PST)

Server: Cabin...

Date: Sunday (February 28th)

Room: My igloo then we will waddle around on Club Penguin...

I hope you can make it...

P.S. remember to bring a puffle ;)

-Flame, CYA...

