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Puffle Toys!

Hello Penguins!

The Puffle Party's in full swing and it looks like you're having fun with your pets! We've heard from some of you that you've spotted a furry orange creature in a box somewhere... And we've been seeing you try to lure it out by turning orange and offering it food. Good luck getting that puffle to come out!!

Lots of you have told us that you like the puffle toys, so we wanted to give you some info about new ones. This is from our Series #4 Pet Puffles:

Picture 7.png
What do you think? Along with puffles, there's more new stuff coming - including Limited Edition Penguins and Mix 'N Match figures! The toys are coming soon to a bunch of places including Disney Stores, Toys "R" Us, Target, and the CP Online Shop.

Don't forget to send in your photos because they could make it onto the Penguins Around the World gallery - we always love to see your creativity!

Until then... Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team
By Billybob on February 20 2010 09:42

-Joanna7777(CPCG Creator)


