Hello Penguins!
With a brand new Penguin Style catalog coming out on Friday, we thought we'd get you thinking wigs. So we want to give you a challenge:
Get as many of your penguin friends as you can into an area -- with wigs! The more wigs, the better! The wackier the wigs, the better! We'll be on the lookout for a cool screenshot to feature on Wednesday's blog. Which wig will you be wearing?
Here's a peek of some hair you might find in Friday's catalog:
The Medieval Party starts on May 8 - and to me, this hair looks like it might be used to befriend dragons and climb castles...
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
By Billybob on April 27 2009 09:33 With a brand new Penguin Style catalog coming out on Friday, we thought we'd get you thinking wigs. So we want to give you a challenge:
Get as many of your penguin friends as you can into an area -- with wigs! The more wigs, the better! The wackier the wigs, the better! We'll be on the lookout for a cool screenshot to feature on Wednesday's blog. Which wig will you be wearing?
Here's a peek of some hair you might find in Friday's catalog:
The Medieval Party starts on May 8 - and to me, this hair looks like it might be used to befriend dragons and climb castles...
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)
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