First of all I'll show you where the eggs are hidden.
Egg 1-To find this egg just take a glance,at the building where'd you go to dance.
Egg 2-You'll find this egg spends it's day,floating in the waves where penguins play.
Egg 3-Here's an egg that's in the mood,to be a cavern surfer dude.
Egg 4-This egg has made it's home,near two great puffles made of stone.
Egg 5-All day this egg has sat,snug underneath a warm fuzzy hat.(to get this egg click on the hats in the gift shop)
Egg 6-By a glowing fire by a comfy place,you'll find this egg in a fishy place.
Egg 7-To add this egg to your collections find a sign that gives directions.
Egg 8-Go to the lighthouse beacon and click on the off button.
And the new pin is a chocolate bunny and it's at the forest:
-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)
THANKS for all the FUN and WADDLE ON :)
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