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April Fools

Hello Penguins!

It's coming fast - the annual April Fool's Party happens in Club Penguin starting April 1st! The team's been working to make lots of funny things all over the island. There'll be jokes - some practical and some not - and loads of surprises. Also, members will be able to check out an area where they'll have the chance to show off their joke telling skills...


What are you and your friends looking forward to most at the party?

By the way, the team wanted to say a big thank you to all of you who voted at the Penguin Play Awards! Check out the winner of Best Play - Quest for the Golden Puffle - now on at the Stage.

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on March 29 2010 04:37 | Comments (50)

-Joanna7777(CPCG Creator)


