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Penguin Standard Time Clock

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3 New Rooms

-------How to enter the 1st secret room and what to do--------

 Hello penguins!Today is a big day for Club Penguin!Now I'll tell you what to do in the first room!
1.If you're in the Town or in some of the other big CP places you'll see a label...

Click on "Go There!"

Ok Let's got ahead!Get a Hard Hat and enter the Cave!

So when you go in you'll see this label (above)
So you must get your hard hat,wear it and dance(dig) somewhere!Dig on different places...

Click on on "Claim Prize" and you'll se that the big rock moving... You'll enter a new room...                              ---Room 2---
 Ok...Here we can just get the Diver Suit for 50 coins only!
  Now let's enter the 3rd place...Sorry If you are a non-member you won't be able to go in...

                                  -----------What's in the 3rd room--------------

 This is the Under Water world! From here you can get a cool background :)
-Joanna7777(CPCG Creator)


