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Reviewed By You

Hello Penguins!

There was a lot of excitement around the Adventure Party and some of you commented that you liked discovering the way the island was decorated. Last week's Reviewed by You question asked about your best adventure in Club Penguin and from the comments (which were awesome, by the way), we thought this one was cool:

Ninja Red said:
My favorite adventure on the island would most definitely have to be when I became a ninja. I proved to myself that I could do it, and I did. Getting all my belts, and defeating the Sensei was an incredible journey that i will never forget. I am proud of my position as a secret ninja, now what are you waiting for? Join me, Keep trying and reach for your goals!

Thanks, Ninja Red!

ninja.jpgFor this week's question, we'd really like to know: What's your favorite music in Club Penguin?

Leave your comments and we'll pick our favorite answer to feature on next week's blog! Don't forget to keep your answers between 50 - 75 words so we have room to show a lot of them.

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on June 18 2009 10:55

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)


