Screenhog on puffle history
Hi everyone, it's Screenhog!
In honor of the upcoming Puffle Party, I dug really deep to find out the history of the puffle. It's hard to believe now, but when Club Penguin launched, there were no puffles at all. At that time, the community of Club Penguin asked if they could have some kind of pet to adopt for their igloo, and we decided that, instead of using animals that already existed, we wanted to make up a completely new creature for the penguins to adopt.
We started sketching some ideas of what a Club Penguin pet might look like, and now, showing for the first time ever, here are some of those original sketches from November 2005:

Some of the ideas were combined, and the puffle as we know it now was born (although we liked the propeller one enough that we gave the green puffle a propeller cap to fly around with). We'd love to know what your very favorite thing is about puffles.
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)
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