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Because of the storm, a lighthing hit the Dojo.There is a big whole.If you climb on the ledder you will go to full of snow place.There is one man with a Kung Fu hat,a chineese coat and a white beard.He is the MAJOR NINJA.If you can see he's wearing a silver color.He's making a way from the Dojo to the...
...well the Ninja sity.

Also in the dojo you still can see a ninja on the window.But this stime he's jumping-fast a carefull!They've brang back the costructor hat.
Also at the Dojo exterior
there is a Japaneese arch.I think this is the way to the ninja hideout.And there is a covered in snow statue too!
Go here for more info.

P.S-I saw that on the warning there is a ninja!

And if you try to give a tour on the Dojo exterior it will show you underfined!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

