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New newspaper

Woo hoo!New newspaper OUT!It's full with Interesting info like

The new play at the stage is till a mistery.:-O
But not for long.Inspector Lazy Spy(Assistant of Inspector Crazy)solve the Mistery!And now we know that the new Play at The Stage will be Ruby and the Ruby.Woo-hoo!It''s talking about Detectives.Woo-hoo.To get a Play Bill click on theese items:

1.Blue Puffle-Shown it the Blue circle.
2. The Underground way shown in the grey circle.
3.The paint.Shown in the Orange Circle.
4.And finaly the boxes.Shown in the brown circle. 

 Woo hoo!But Inspecror Lazy Spy solve many other things like this one:


Notice that on the NightClub Tour Page there was a Girl DJ?  

Hmm,this looks like a HINT!

This are some of the Clothes in the Upcoming clothing Catalog!
Let's see

1.Girly DJ wig with Headphones.Hmm looks like Amy's hair.Haha.Amy is Sonic's want to be Girlfriend.
2.Pink 7 Yellow Scarf. 
Now Let's solve the Last Crime...
Autumn Preview!
 The Fall Fair is cooming how we already know.It will start at 26th of September;-D
Maby the Cotton Candy will come back!
Club Penguin will have their third anniversary!Woo hoo.Don't miss it at 24th of Octomber!
And afcourse how to miss the Halloween Party!Boo!  

Thats everything cool from the newspaper go check it out!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)


Anonymous said...

what happened to the other one?

Anonymous said...

It enables us to express our feelings and opinions.

Joanna7777 said...

?? I dont understand you.

Anonymous said...

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