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Nespaper-BORING & Sofia,Capital of Bulgaria BOMB Buum Bamm-I survived!

First of all: NEWSPAPER BORING: All the newspaper is boring!Just nothink interesting. Only the events are OK.Here are the events:
Sofia,Capital of Bulgaria Bomb!:
Today at 6:15 Bulgarian time,in Chiprovsi Bombed a Bomb!But not a normal bomb somethink like radion active bomb.It was like a mushroom.But It wasn't an atom bomb.Somethink IDK really.But if you get out of your Flat or House you will get SICK!So I woke up from a noice.It was like an Earthquake but with noice.I was thinking that it was the END OF THE WORLD!There was no INFORMATON then.After 10 minutes the news started.Many peoples got sick from this.But I survived!My family too.It was it was the baddest think in my life.I am afraid.But I will never stop posting.
Click to enlarge the photo Massive explosions at a military storage facility in the Sofia Quarter Chelopechene shook the Bulgarian capital Thursday morning.
Several minutes before 7 am the Bulgarian capital Sofia was shaken by powerful gunpowder explosions, which were heard in the whole city. The explosions came from a military storage facility located in the northeast Sofia quarter Chelopechene, Kremikovtzi Municipality. The windows of the buildings in Chelopechene have been broken by the detonations. Towards 8:30 a.m. the explosions were still continuing. The Director of the Civil Defense Service Andrey Ivanov announced before the Darik Radio announced that there were no dangerous substances in the air above the Bulgarian capital, and that no evacuation of the population was needed. The area around the site of the explosions had been secured by units of the local police, the military, and the Civil Defense Service. The Chief of the General Staff of the Bulgarian Army General Zlatan Stoykov said the people in the area close to the site should leave or make sure they were in a safe place because of the danger of flying parts of ammunitions. The bTV channel reported that the measurements by the mobile chemical laboratory of the Bulgarian Army had shown there were no dangerous chemical substances in the area, citing the Defense Minister Nikolay Tsonev. The Bulgarian Army and the Defense Ministry were unable to announce immediately what sort of munitions had been stored in the facilities in Chelopechene. Later, the former Chief of the General Staff of the Bulgarian Army and present head of the President's Cabinet General Nikola Kolev announced before the bTV Channel that the storage facility contained about 20 tons of classical ammunitions, i.e. bombs not containing any dangerous chemical substances. 2,5 tons of these, however, were old explosives, which had been potentially dangerous. Kolev also said that it was too early to say anything about what started the explosions, and that the investigation would not begin until the explosions die down because the site was currently inaccessible. The residents of the Chelopechene area are to be evacuated with public transport buses, many of which have already arrived at the site. The Minister of Defense Nikolay Tsonev also disproved any allegations about dangerous chemical substances in the air above the Bulgarian capital. Click here to receive realtime news about this topic in the future. -Joanna7777(CPCG Author)


Leclercian said...

OH MY GOSH! Joanna I really hope you are okay :O

Joanna7777 said...

everything is ok.but the bad new is that an earthquake made from thec explosion came.and the good new is that it was only 2,01

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! This is why you should go to America! We have freedom and security!

Anonymous said...

What kind of madman will do this?????!! I would be afraid if that happened around my area. Wanna here a story in America that happened like that a little bit. Well it was on September 11 2001, I was a little boy back then, reports in New York City that planes crashed that were hyjacked by terrorists went through the World
Trade Center building. It was a terrible memory. Usually stuff like this never really happens alot in America.

Unknown said...

Haha, children.... Everybody knows about 9/11. And also everybody knows that America is the one of most dangerous countries in the world. Bulgaria is one of the safest. That's official information.

Anonymous said...

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