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Here is a list of all things who are cooming soon in Club Penguin and the posts for them:
1.New word Selector:

New Feature update: new world selector!

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Hello Penguins!

Meeting up with buddies in Club Penguin is really important--I know because it's something a lot of you say is difficult right now. In fact, it has been on of the top things suggested for improvement from many players! Your feedback on this issue has been a huge help. The team knew right away that one of the first improvements they wanted to work on was to make it easier to find your buddies when logging into Club Penguin.

Some of you had great ideas about making the login function better--a popular one was grouping worlds based on those you visit most often!

That's part of what the team is working on right now. They are totally rebuilding the way you login to Club Penguin! The new login feature will make it a lot easier to locate your friends online--and the worlds will be grouped in a way that will help you stick with the buddies you play with most often.

The feature is still being worked on and as always, any suggestions or ideas you have will help make Club Penguin even better! So let us know what you think!

Until then...waddle on!

-The Club Penguin Team
2.Penguin Mail:

New feature update: Penguin Mail!

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Hello Penguins!

Wow! Thanks for all your great feedback on the feature updates we've shared so far. It's totally helpful!

Because of all your help, you are going to be the first to hear about one of my favorite new features the team is working on! I'm really excited about it and could hardly wait to let you know about it!

Over and over again, we've heard great ideas from you about improving postcards and now that the new servers are up and running we can add some of them.

The feature is called 'Penguin Mail' and it will be launched in the next few weeks along with the other features. It will be the first of a few big updates to the current postcard system in Club Penguin.

The coolest thing you'll be able to do as soon as it is launched is SAVE all the post cards you've received and you'll finally be able to send post cards to buddies even when they're not online!

I'll have more details on Penguin Mail as it gets closer to release. As always, let us know what else you'd like to see and what you think of things so far!

Until then...waddle on!

-The Club Penguin Team

3.Player Card Update:

New Feature update: Player Card

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Hello Penguins!

A lot of you have mentioned that it's really hard to find the item you're looking for in your inventory and it can take a long time. It can get confusing too, especially for those of you with a lot of items!

I wanted to let you know that the player card inventory is being improved at this very moment! When the new features launch at the end of May, all of your clothing and accessories will be better organized and really easy to find. The team has been working really hard on a new design for the inventory--a lot of you have suggested grouping items and making separate tabs for them and I think you'll be happy with how it turns out!

As always let us know what you think! I'll have more info next week on the next feature!

Until then...waddle on!

-The Club Penguin Team
Bye Bye for now.I hope that I helped.


Anonymous said...

Hey Joanna7777,

It's me Tikihead12, You ahve a cool banner and I made a cool banner for my site too. But the thing is, when I upload my banner on the header, it won't show up on my site. It only shows up when my site has 1 sidebar but it wont show up when I have 2 sidebars. Can you help me out? PLZ! PLZ!


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