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Penguin Standard Time Clock

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Clock Tower(update)

Here is my theory how the Clock Tower is broken.
The Polar Bear got our Spy Phones.Then go away from our island.Then they(Polar Bear & Crab) find a way to find their cave.They wanted a ravange.They know that we can't live without time.The Polar Bear is kind of smart.Herbert P.(The Polar Bear) got our Spy Phones and in the midnight when all penguins are sleeping he and he's friend(the Crab)went to the Snow Forts and with the tools in our spy phone they broke the Clock.Thismade to the Cucco Clock in the Ski Longe too.Then they went to their cave and now are waiting to us.Why?Because there is a trap.Be carefull in the next Mission who G(Garry the Gadget Guy)will give to us.

