Here I can told you 100% the real.Here is information and it's real.
Ninjas are a very secret aspect of Club Penguin. When you click the N on the main page of (on the picture of the Dance Club), the big penguin will put on a Ninja costume. But the "Ninja Mask" may just be the superhero mask. Ninjas outrank Secret Agents; this may be because only moderators can be a Ninja, but we can't be sure. Many sources say that Ninjas have access to the "Ninja Hideout," as Secret Agents have access to the Spy Headquarters. Ninjas were actually a playable character in Penguin Chat 3, an old version of Club Penguin. There was once a rumour that stated that you could become a Ninja if you went to the Dojo and stood still for 30 minutes, but this rumour is proven UNKNOWN. This rumour was created by "Sanity Penguin", a notorious hacker who invented the CP Trainer of EVIL!. You can pretend to be a ninja, simply by turning your penguin black and then pretend!. Various people hack Club Penguin to attempt and get Ninja suits!.Billybob confirms there are ninjas planned for Club Penguin in an official blog post’s comments. This was during beta testing of CP. 2. In old Official Blog archives, they refer to the Dojo as “the Japanese room.” Japan? Ninjas? Anyone see a connection? 3. If you click the N in nightclub on CP’s homepage, the big blue penguin turns into a ninja. 4. When Jet Pack Adventure was launched, there was an official blog post showing Billybob on the launch pad. He was a darker black than the usual black color. 5. You can dress like a ninja by using CP trainer. But CP trainer takes all the clothing off Club Penguin server. That means that there is ninja clothing on the server, (which means it was created by the moderators and does exist) you simply can’t access it through the catalog
Ninja Hideout
The Ninja Hideout is the Secret Agent Headquarters for a type of penguin called a ninja. It is questionable whether ninjas exist or even the Ninja Hideout.
The Ninja Hideout has a long history. It includes the Penguin Chat part.
Penguin Chat
In Penguin Chat. the Ninja Hideout was supposedly the Boiler Room. However, not like Club Penguin Boiler Room, the Penguin Chat version of it was a hidden place that few knew the way to.
Club Penguin
In Club Penguin, there are even more Ninja Hideout rumors. For instance, most think the Ninja Hideout does not exist. Some believe it is the Dojo. Others believe if you become a moderator, you have acess to the Ninja Hideout. I guess we'll never find out!
Because of rumors and people hacking to become ninjas many people think the ninja hideout does exist. People Hack all the time and if you see anything on youtube about people becoming ninjas it's probably not true especially the one about waiting 30 minutes in the dojo thats just a waste of time
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