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Penguin Standard Time Clock

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Clothing catlog cheats

Here are the catalog cheats.

Rockhopper news

Rockhopper gone!But there is a plan how to save the migrator.The pin is a boat and it is at the lighthouse.


The new newspaper is out.There are news for Rockhopper.He leaving tommarow.Also I think the new at the stage wil be CP idol.Cool huh?Also tommarow is cooming the new clothing vatalog and the new pin.I will post where is the new pin and the catalog secrets tommarow.Tommarow its a big day.Also i will have a party soon.

Stage sneak Peak

Here is the new stage sneak peak.

:-( Bye migrator

Migrator now is on pieces.

I met Rockhoper 2 times!

I met rockhopper Rockhopper 2 times!Woo hoo.

The picture here is from his othert visit.I met rockhopper yesterday,but i haven't got picture bacausehe gone too fast.

Fly pin,fly!

Here is a cheat who will tell you how to make the pins fly.
1. First put your penguin in ultimate safe chat mode.
2. Go to a room with a pin in it.
3. Walk on it to make the message that says if you want to pick it up appears; do not click Yes/No.
4. Press the tab button on your keyboard until the yellow box surrounds your igloo button on the chatbar.
5. Press enter and the image of the item will be on your screen wherever you go.

New music

There is a new music fo the igloos.Here they are:Super hero,Water party,Fall Fair.

Rockhopper is here!

Rockhopper is here.He came with a boat.You will see it at the beach.

New mission

There is a new mission at the HQ.You need to save CP from pollar bear.Mission 6 guide at

Chrurros Ice Cream cheat

1.Go to the forest.
2.Click on the box with ice cream.
3.The box will open.

winter fiesta cheat №2 and №3

1.Go to any room with pinatas.
2.Put your cursor on them.
3.They move.
1.Go to the town.
2.Go on the stairs.
3.Click on the coffee shop door or the gift shop door.
4.You walk on the walls.

winter fiesta cheat №1

1.Go to the bach.
2.Click on the bell.
The hamburgers will change.

winter fiesta

I love the winter fiesta.The free item it is at the dance club.And the dance club look like the pyramids in Mexico.The pin its at the forest .

P.S.A secret message at the newspaper------>

Attention Agent,

The PSA is readyto question the crab.

Further anstructions coming soon!

P.S. This message will self-destruct!

this is the message.

Walking on the Thin Ice Game

1.Go to the dance Lounge.
2.Go infort of the Thin Ice Game.
3.Click on the wall .
Ready you did it!

Rockhopper crash again!

Oh,my gosh.Rockhopper crash again.Dont worry maby Gamma girl will save him.And Yarr too.or maby billybob will save him.Or maby I.

Winter Fiesta Sneak Peak

moving pictures

Click on this pictures and they will move.Cool huh?I will answer you if you ask how did I do them.

Clubpenguin mute mode

1.Go to Mozilla Firefox or Internet Explorer or eny other browser.
2.Go to
3.Log in in to your accaund.
4.Go to eny room with music.
5.Make your browser window very,very small.
6.Up you will see a white space.
7.There is a litlle speaker. on it.
9.Make your browser window normal again.
10.Ready now you dont hear music.

New arranging furniture

wow!I have only 1 pic of this here its is.And when you go to someone igloo you are near the door.Finaly.

CP miss somethink

Club penguin miss to put the message costume trunk at the costume catalog look:

Icebearg is back

When you go to the beacon and look at the telescope the part Icebearg is back!What that means.

new play at the stage

yey new play at the stage for superheroes.

Mission sneak peek

wow this is the new mission sneak peak.

.And 1.go to the pool.2.wait near 1 will see a crab walk on the glass.Cheat 3 go to the snow forts throw a snoww ball at the clock tower.

Heart emote back Winter fiesta back

The heart emote will be back at 11.01.08 friday and there will start the winter fiesta.look the picture for more info for the winter fiesta.Oh and the winter fiesta val starts from 18.01.08

Classick nubbing

1.Go to InternetExplorer becouse if you go at any other browser this cheat do not work.
2.Type the link
3.Go to the town.
4.Click F11.
5.Under the chat bar is a white space click on it.
6.Everythink is ready.

Walk on the fire in the Cove

This picture tell you where to click first the second.First go to the cove.go near to the fire.the click at the catching waves house and is how it look.

what my friend did

look my friend do one trick i dont know how he did it look.but i know other trick go to clubpenguin go to any place off your network(internet) then go to other penguin accaung go to the place where you was and you are there.

What did I found

I have found i litlle spot in the water in the beach i will show it to you in this picture.If you not see it go to
then go to the beach and you will see it.

Cheat group

............................................Hello everybody!...........................................................................
When you found a cheat or some secret please post it like a comment.I will ever post under the cheat or the secret who found it if you give me secrets or cheats.So please post much more comments with cheats and secrets.

Stage sneak peak

This is a sneak peak from the stage.

New cheats

Here are the cheats in the clothing catalog.
And the pin its at the boiler room.

