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Adventure Party

I've just made some sketches of creatures I think that can appear in the Adventure partay!!!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Another Card Jitsu Updates

I found some new Card-Jitsu updates.Let me show you them...
  • New instruction list
  • A sign of Card-Jitsu
  • Talking to the Sensei-new page

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

New Things

Hey,Penguins!Let's start with the new things!

This is the new screen of Club Penguin's playing page!

Now-First lets show you what's going on in the Beach.

Wow a real Jungle.

Now the Sport Shop's catalog.It has no much stuff in but there are some cheats.
!1.Click on the football on page 1!A green soccer jersey will pop up!
!2.Do not try to buy a tube...It will show you that it can't be bought.

There's a new Card-Jitsu UpDaTe.Now you can see your cards!

And now last but not at least the new Igloo Music!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Brand new

Screenhog on The Club Penguin Times

Hello Penguins, Screenhog here.

Every Thursday, there's a new edition of our favorite newspaper, the Club Penguin Times. Believe it or not, the Club Penguin Times is quite amazing because it's the only thing that has been updated every week, without fail, since Club Penguin began. It takes a really long time to write from start to finish. There's sketching, drawing, coloring, writing, joke and riddle collecting, and a lot of other stuff that goes into every single newspaper in Club Penguin. It's a lot of work!

newspaper[1].jpgIf you're a fan of the Club Penguin Times, you'll notice that this is the first week ever that we're doing a dot to dot puzzle. What do you think?

We also wanted to give you the heads up that today's the last Reviewed by You question in the Club Penguin Times. It's moving to the blog! So the answer to this week's Reviewed by You question will be published on Thursday, June 11 - and after this week, you can look for the new questions and answers right here on the blog.

Have a great day, and don't forget to check the Boiler Room to see if there are any editions you've missed!

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Screenhog on May 28 2009 09:05
-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)


On Disney's site there WAS an ad of Club Penguin adventure party.

So that means that we will have adventure party...Yay!We will have it with Rockhopper's plants.Thanks Mimo777 for tellin' me!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Mlore about Rockhopper's plants

I found some SWFs that will help us find out what is Rockhopper's planty secret.


THESE ARE SOME SWFS OF MUSIC THAT IS IN JUNGLE THEME(it can be used for the project)
Hello Penguins!

If you're looking for some new sporty gear, on Friday you'll find a brand new Snow and Sports Catalog at the Sport Shop. I hear that there will be a good mix of things for all kinds of awesome island adventures!!

We hope you're having fun with Captain Rockhopper and his green thumb (and the green Migrator)! Let us know if you're lucky enough to meet him - he's got a new background to give away!

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team
By Billybob on May 25 2009 08:38 | Comments (22)

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)
Rockhopper's plants are now in the beach!

Maybe this is the beggining of the jungle party!When we talk about jungle party now I will show you my secret project of a jungle party that I kept in secret.

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)


Hello people!There are earthquakes here in Bulgaria!5 till now!Now I am outside and my parents told me to get my laptop so we can have internet outside.The earthquake is in Macedonia but we felt it here!It is so scary...But bealive me the first think that was in my mind was-When I will post on my blog about this?
Also I've made a picture of one of my puffles climbing on my growing plants.

Also I've made a demo of Rory's player card:-D

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

I've met Rockhopper for 8th time!!!

Hello everyone!Today I've meet my friend Rockhopper!He gave me an awesome background!Here are some piCs!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

A card from Rockhopper

Look in your penguin mail!There's a card from rockhopper.

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Rockhopper came!

Rockhopper came...
But his ship is fool of plants!

The happiest new is that in the Pirate Catalog there are 3 new GrOwInG pLaNtS!

Each of them will grow up every week!I will do updates of their status.

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

New newspaper

T0day's newspaper is very interesting!We have some awesome news!
  • Rockhopper's plants-Is he in danger?
  • Sensei's new surprise-New card collection bar and NeW BeLt!
Rockhopper's plants-Is he in danger?
The Penguin News reported some special news:

Sensei's new surprise-New card collection bar and NeW BeLt!
Let's see Sensei's surprise:

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)


Rockhopper is getting really close to Club Penguin.Now we can see in detail the plants on his ship.
Do you know what I think...
Do you remember the last mission:Waddle Squad.There Herbert P. Bear left after him seeds...seeds of plants.You know what I mean.Maybe Herbert did this with Rockhopper's ship.

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Ye Old Migrator Cooming?

The Migrator took it's way to Club Penguin but...
It full of PlAnTs???

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

New Better Igloos Catalog

The new better Igloos Catalogs are out!There are some cool stuff in!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Super secret Stage Play secret in Catalog

Hey!I found a cheat...

For the cheats for the Medieval Party scroll down!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Medieval Party

Hello everybody!The Medieval Party began.My tutorial for the Knight and Princess Quest is at the last post.So now...
The pin is at the Boiler Room and it a crown.

There is also catalog of Medieval things :-D Yay!

It is at the Gift shop(Market now)!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Knights Quest

Hey everyone!Here's how to compete the Quest and win the prizes
Go through the first 2 quests.Then go DOWN then LEFT then DOWN then RIGHT then RIGHT then UP!

Here are the prizes:


Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

You Decide: a wig color!

Hello Penguins!

Last month, it was so cool when you guys chose the medieval background because we heard from so many of you. You totally flooded the blog with your comments (you actually broke a blog comment record!) - and you'll see your first choice tomorrow when the special medieval catalog becomes available!

And today... We've got another challenge for you. We'd love for you to decide on the color for this new wig design that's going to come out in the June Penguin Style!!

may7bloghair.jpgSo...We really want to hear from you!! Take a look at the sketch and the color choices, and let us know if you want blonde, dark red-brown, or blue.

We'll announce the results on Monday - and you'll get to wear the winning wig when the catalog comes out on June 5!

Until then... Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on May 06 2009 09:27

I like blue one!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

New newspaper

The new newspaper is out!Here are the TOP news!:
  • There will be a Viking Opera Play at the Stage!
  • There are super cool new events!
First about the Viking Opera.It will be a stage play where Viking Penguins will run from a ghost.Looks funny.Also I see that the catalog will be awesome(just a guess).

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

New animated image

I just made a new animation!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Billybob's post

Penguins Getting Paid Today!

Hello Penguins!

If you're a member of the PSA and/or a Tour Guide, make sure you keep your eyes out for your monthly payment to be made via Penguin Mail! The team is squishing a few bugs as they're working to send your first paychecks, and we're hoping that you'll be receiving your coins really soon. Thank you for being patient!! You'll get 250 coins for each of those jobs on the first of every month.... If you're not already a Tour Guide, if you're 45 days old, you can become one by taking a test at the Tour Guide booth. To become a Secret Agent, you must be 30 days old and pass the test. Just click on the M at the top right of your screen.


In Other News: Don't forget to check out the new Penguin Style in the Gift Shop today - you'll find some medieval styles to get you thinking knights, quests, adventures, and dragons... And speaking of the Medieval Party, remember the "You Decide" contest where you guys voted on a background? The winning background will come out in a special Medieval Catalog that will be available when the party starts - next Friday, May 8!

Until then...Waddle on!

By Billybob on May 01 2009 12:54

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

N*E*W Logg in screen!!!

There is a new log in screen in Club Penguin:

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

New catalog & more

Woo-hoo!The new awesome clothing catalog is out!Here are the cheats...

The catalog is awesome but there is more on CP!All around there are things from the Medieval Party!

The pool is fool of money!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

