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From February to March

Going,going from the Town to the Dock.Going,going from the Dock to the Village.Going,going to Lounge and then to the Attic.And what to see:
The sign is changed,now the date is other:Coming in March.

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

New things

Hello everybody.Today there're some new things.I'll start with the pin that is a little bit girly.It's a lilly and it's at the Beacon.

Also there's a new sports catalog today...
All my guesses were right!

*TOP SECRET*if you click on the climbing wall you'll solve a secret...

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Paint by Letters

Paint by Letters Update

Hello Penguins!

Tomorrow in the Book Room, there will be a brand new Paint By Letters book. Here's a peek at "Lime Green Dojo Clean":

paintbyletters.jpgIf you've never played before, it's a game where you can fill in words as they appear in the story. Sometimes you get a chance to choose words - and the penguin in the story will even be the same color as your penguin!

If you play, be sure to check out the pictures really carefully... You might find a few surprises. As always, we want to know what you think!

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on January 28 2009 09:41

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Billy's sneak peek

Billybob gave us a sneak peek of the new Sport's catalog.
Here are my guesses:

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)


This year the Winter Fiesta has ONLY 1 ITEM :-O!!!!!!
Also many rooms are not decorated...
so the new free item is a mini Sombero.It's at the cove:

Or maby there's something we cant see...

-TO BE continuation-

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Memberparty ended

The Member party ended.There are only some parts left from it:

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Member events

What is Club Penguin without members?A without something.Everyone will be so same.That's why there are members in Club Penguin.
Think...could this awesome game exist without the Members?Without the money they give.

So today Club Penguin surprised their member friends with:
  • Many "Thanks"in the CP Blog.
  • A postcard.
  • A badge.
  • A special acces to the Multiplayer mode of the game Dancing Contest.
  • And much more.
First every members have got a postcard.

Then the Members have a special badge.

They've got also a special acces.

P.S-Club penguin has a new starting screen.

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Finding DJ Cadence Tips

Here are my tips how to find Cadence:
Way 1:First look at the servers on page 1 and page 2.Check in the famoustest servers.
Way 2:Try to find chats about"Finding Cadence".If you stay in these chats for about 15 minutes someone will find her and tell everybody.
Way 3:Let all to the LUCK.


Here is what to do when you find Cadence:
First of all you need to take her autograph.

Situation 1:The room is empty and there's no crowd around Cadence.Just click on her and then click on the box.A message will show up.Click "Yes".
Situation 2:There's a giant crowd around Cadence.You can't even see her!Open your Buddy list.Then click on the Users in room button.Then just find her :-).

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Waddle on Dance-A-Thon

In the new dancing game I just found out that there are some cheats.

Go to click on Clear the Dance floor I'm dancing solo.Wow the penguin is silver :-O

Go to your purple puffle.Go play the new dancing game.You puffle is dancing too!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

New pin

The new pin is a Taco.Yay!So yummy.
It's at the Snow forts.

Also there's a new Better Igloos Catalog.:-)

For the Superhero Poster click on the terracotta sun.
Click on the Velvet Rope for the Welcome mat.

And here's how the lizard changes it's color when you click on the arrows-▼or▲.



-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)
Woo-hoo!The Member party is here.Lets begin.

Woo-hoo. Welcome to the first floor.Here's what we've got here:
  1. A free item boom box.
  2. A new game.
  3. Changing dance floor.
1-The free item is a boom box and when you dance with it you'll start a super cool dance.

2-The new game is awesome.I just love it.

3-If you want to change the dance floor just click on one of the buttons.

Second FLOOR

It's a little bit boring here.Here's a picture with the cheats.



Here's cool.For first time penguins can go to Dance Club's roof.

Also we have got a cool postcard from Cadence.

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

New newspaper

Today there's a new newspaper.
Here are the main news:

  1. Member party begins:There will be super awsome new game,members will have acces to Dance Club's roof and a chance to meet DJ Cadence.
  2. Winter Fiesta soon:Say "Good Bye" to winter.
  3. Why AC300 is in there?
1-The Member party is today!Now the members have a chance to meet DJ Cadence,play the new game and got to DC's(Dance Club's)roof.

2-The Winter Fiest is cooming very soon.Lets say"Good Bye" to Winter and "Hello"to spring.

3-AC300 is here for the Festival of snow!What a surprice!

And here are some other news from Billybob:

New Furniture Coming Friday!

Hello Penguins!

We've been listening, and the team is really excited about a lot of things that will be coming up this month. We're hoping you really love everything! On Friday there's a new Better Igloos catalog, and it's extra colorful - so you can deck out your igloos with some new, bright furniture items.

janfurn.jpgLet us know what you think!

In other news: We've got some blog updates coming up that have to do with some parties (Yes!! Two different parties in January!) this month. So stay tuned...

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on January 14 2009 09:22

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Mision Cheats

Do you know how to make this things appear when you are doing a mission:

I will tell you.Be sure that you internet is very slow(load=5mins.)When your internet is very slow go to Club Penguin and enter one of the missions.

You'll see strange things.

P.S-When you're doing this cheat you'll not be able to do the mission.

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Member party Info

Member Party Update

Hello Penguins!

Wow - There's been a lot of buzz about the member event that starts on Thursday! We're glad you're excited about it! Dancing is such a fun part of Club Penguin already, and we wanted to use this party to take it a few steps further!

Get ready to break down some super cool moves because there's going to be a lot of music and tons of room to dance--you can even get together with your friends and compete in the new Dance Contest Game! There are some cool things planned at the Night Club for the party, including three floors to explore and a chance to meet DJ Cadence! Check out this image--it's just a bit of what you can expect on Thursday when the party starts.

dance.jpgRemember, the party starts on Thursday, Jan. 15 and goes until Sunday, Jan. 18!

We're so excited to hear what you think!

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on January 12 2009 01:19

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

Red carpet event

Maby you know that I entered Lady Maryann's red carpet event!I am so happy co'z I won 2nd place for Top comenter.

Am I looking beaty with this outfit?The prize is just for me!

Also one of the wallpapers is by me!

Isn't this awsome?!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)


I just now have a twitter profile.Go checkit out!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

My penguin things

I just took some pictures of my penguin things.And I wanted to share them with you!

This is my cup with penguins:

This is my game with penguins called "Penguin" :-D:

This is my plush toy penguin.When you touch it you'll feel strange feeling:

Theese are my metal penguin toys:-D:

And this is my penguin baloon:-D:

And the surprice is...
...a snapshoot of my fiiiiiiiiiiiishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!:

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

New play & secrets

-Super-duper power!!!

The play of...
-Super power attack!
Ahhh!Stop it Gamma Girl & Shadow guy!
-Hehehe ok!

Now is better!The play is...

-Squidzoid vs Me and Shadow guy!

Ahhh!Ok the play is Squidzoid vs. Gamma gal and Shadow guy!Here's how I dressed up like Gamma gal!

The play is old but there's somethinh new!The robo...

P.S-Screenhog posted some secrets!~`~`~`~`~`~

Screenhog Blogs Small Secrets...

Hi everyone! Screenhog here.

We like to hide little hidden references in Club Penguin all the time. Sometimes they are really obvious, like those two puffles at the top of the stage that are like those famous actors masks.

FacesBlog.jpgBut sometimes, there are hidden things. If you're a ninja, you've been able to see this lantern in the catalog:

LanternBlog.jpgThe price of the lantern is 575. Do any of you know about the Japanese poems called haiku? The Sensei almost always speaks in haikus. The rule with a haiku is that it's a three-line poem; the first line has five syllables, the second line has seven syllables, and the third line has five syllables. In other words: 5-7-5.

Isn't that cool? Or do we just have too much time on our hands sometimes?

Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Screenhog on January 08 2009 10:07

"I cant talk in haiku.":-s

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)


Woo ho!Newspaper came!There are some news:
  1. The member party №2 it's going to be about music.Cadence is making it.There will be a ne game too.
  2. There is going to be a Winter fiesta again!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

I have now W0RdZ...A MEMBER PARTAY!!!!


Sneak Peek - Member Event!

Hello Penguins!

Many of you have been asking about a member party and wondering when there would be another one--it's definitely been a while since the last one.

Well, we've been working on exactly that! The next member party will happen in the middle of January, from the 15-18th. But it's more than just a party--wait till you see what else the team has planned! I'll have more details next week, and I don't want to say too much - but I can tell you that some of the items in the new Penguin Style catalog will come in very handy.

I managed to get a sneak peek from the team to show you. See if you can guess what the event might be about...

Picture 1 event.jpgLet us know what you think!

Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on January 05 2009 10:23

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So I think that theese are graffiti!And there will be a dance floor near!OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH AWSOME!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

The Club Penguin Wiki

Hello everyone!Joanna is now part of Club Penguin Wiki.That doesn't mean that I'm going to quit this site!It just means that now you can visit Club Penguin Wiki and check out my posts!Here is one of them:

And remember...
...I'll never stop posing here!:-D

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

New things

Hello everyone!Sorry for the late post!But now I'm posting!
So here's why the post is so late!So at 7th I have a nameday.So we went to shop!(we've gor awsome things!)

Now the new pin is at then ski lounge attic and it's a gingerbread man.

Maby in January we'll have a WINTER FIESTA!

Co'z in the new catalog there are some fiesta things!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)


Happy New YEAR everyone!I had a crazy night!Woo-hoo!HAPPY NEW o'9!

-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)

