Hello Penguins!
Whenever Rockhopper lands in Club Penguin, things get exciting. You often let us know that you love hanging out with him! So we're thrilled to share some very, very special news - our own pirate penguin, Captain Rockhopper, will be making an in-person appearance in Walt Disney World in Florida!! He'll arrive at the park on April 30th and be there until May 13th. It's a really special event for the community that's possible because we're part of the Disney family, and we're really excited to hear what you think about it!
During the 2 weeks that Rockhopper's in the Park, if you get the chance to go, we'd love to hear what it's like meeting him in-person! We know not everyone will be able to be there, so we'll be posting some updates straight from the event. And (just for fun) we were wondering... If you did get to see Rockhopper there in person, what would you say to him?
Until then...Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
So I looked for photos of Walt Disney World Florida and I found some:
-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)
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