Hello Penguins!
Where do knights go to get something to eat?
To an "all knight" diner!
A lot of you tell us the Medieval Party is one of your all time favorite parties in Club Penguin so I wanted to give you a bit of a sneak peek (shhhh!) of what you'll see this year. We're bringing back some of the stuff you said was the coolest... and there will be new things, too.
I've heard tales of a dragon in the Mine... and that the Coffee Shop and Pizza Parlor will be fit for royalty (and jesters, too)! For members, there will be a Knight's Quest that we hope you'll think is really fun.
The Medieval Party will go from May 8 - 17th, so get ready to costume up and use your imagination all over the island!
Until then... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
By Billybob on April 23 2009 09:08 Where do knights go to get something to eat?
To an "all knight" diner!
A lot of you tell us the Medieval Party is one of your all time favorite parties in Club Penguin so I wanted to give you a bit of a sneak peek (shhhh!) of what you'll see this year. We're bringing back some of the stuff you said was the coolest... and there will be new things, too.
I've heard tales of a dragon in the Mine... and that the Coffee Shop and Pizza Parlor will be fit for royalty (and jesters, too)! For members, there will be a Knight's Quest that we hope you'll think is really fun.
The Medieval Party will go from May 8 - 17th, so get ready to costume up and use your imagination all over the island!
Until then... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
-Joanna7777(CPCG Author)
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