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Puffle Rescue Cheats!

The game is here!
You can play it at the mine...
If you go to the Hidden Lake and try to enter the 3rd place it will say that you need a key

More soon...

 I just wanted to get the  key so I started rescuing the Black Puffle...But...I got to level 23 and it was gettin' harder and harden and then I lost the game >-< I just can't play anymoreeeeee

But actually I don't think that the key is at the end of the game...I just need to follow the let's try!
So I followed the squid...You may ask"How!?!".Well at level one at the black puffle game I got the puffle and waited a bit...Then I saw the squid...I  followed the balloons that he left...So here where did I go...

Yay!Now click enter!
And get the key


