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Sneak Peek - Attention Secret Agents!

Hello Agents!

We know it's been a long time since you've had a new Mission and we've heard from a lot of you that you want one! We haven't forgotten about you guys - and we really want to say thanks for being so patient.

PSA - Some of you are wondering what's keeping Herbert P. Bear occupied these days and what he's got in store for the Penguin Secret Agency. I don't want to give much away right now, but we do want you to know that the team's working on something big. For now, keep up the things you're doing to keep the island safe, and I'll keep you in the loop when I've got more info.

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For EPF agents, if you're looking for a challenge, starting on Friday, November 6 make sure to check out the first Wifi downloadable mission "The Puffle Pranksters" for the original Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force game for Nintendo DS. To download it onto your DS, just select Upload/Download from the Main Menu and follow the instructions. It'll be the first time you see the white puffle on your DS - and it might even give you a few hints of things to come...

Until then... Keep the island safe and waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on November 01 2009 06:17
-Joanna7777(CPCG Creator)


