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Penguin Standard Time Clock

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Hi everyone! Screenhog here!

Penguins may not be able to fly, but that doesn't mean that Club Penguin can't! In a few days, for the first time ever, Club Penguin will be an island in the sky.

When we first thought of the idea of putting Club Penguin in the sky, we loved it, but then we started asking ourselves some questions. What happens to the Beach or the coastline of the Cove? Can penguins still play Hydro-Hopper? And what does a device powerful enough to lift an entire island even look like, and where would we put it?

For the full answer you'll have to wait until the party, but I can show you this behind-the-scenes concept art from when we were trying to answer all these questions ourselves:

Pretty neat, huh? Have fun at the party!

-Until then...Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Screenhog on August 12 2009 11:10
-Joanna7777(CPCG Creator)


